
Global Spedition Focuses on Digitalization
It is an honor for us to form part of the FourKites, Inc. - Premier Carrier List . This award is a recognition of our commitment to innovation and digitalization, that allow us to provide our clients with the required information in real time. Only with these tools we...

Happy World Road Day!
On October 11th, we commemorate the World Road Day. Therefore, from Global Spedition we would like to take this opportunity and congratulate all those who use the road to carry out their activity, as well as those in charge of keeping the roads in the best...

Sustainability Report 2022
One more year, Global Spedition remains firm in its commitment to the activity, the society and the entire Environment. The good actions carried out in terms of sustainability have made us grow as a company and as members of the society in which we develop...

Celebrating the 8th Anniversary of the SDG
On the occasion of the 8th Anniversary of the approval of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), we would like to share with you those main goals on which we are most focused: SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being SDG 4: Quality Education SDG 8:...

Global Spedition obtains the ISO 27001 Certification
From Global Spedition we are very proud to announce that, in our continuous improvement process, we have recently obtained the ISO 27001 Certification. This standard certifies the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of an effective...

Global Spedition takes part again in the Fourkites Premier Carrier List
For Global Spedition it is an honor to form part of the FourKites Premier Carrier List. This award is a recognition of our commitment to innovation and digitalization, that allow us to provide our clients with the required information in real time. Only with these...

Happy World Environment Day!
The World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June, the 5th. The main aim to celebrate this day is to raise awareness among the entire world population about the importance of protecting the environment that surrounds us. From Global Spedition we remain...

World Day for Safety and Health at Work
April 28th we celebrate the World Day for Safety and Health at Work At Global Spedition we believe that the best way to preserve these such important values as health and safety is by implementing an adequate prevention. For this reason, we work every day to...

International Sport Day focused on Development and Peace
The International Sport Day focused on Development and Peace is celebrated on April 6th. For this reason, from Global Spedition we want to congratulate Balonmano Dominicos and AD School Zaragoza Table Tennis, teams that we sponsor, which day by day through...

Happy World Water Day!
The World Water Day is celebrated on March 22. For this reason, from Global Spedition we want to echo this celebration and promote both, the correct use of water and its preservation. As signatoires and partners of OCS (Operation Clean Sweep) we are firmly...

Tereos visits our facilities
Last week, we were glad to receive at our facilities in Zaragoza some of the managers from several of Tereos plants. It was a real pleasure for us to count with their participation and provide them with the opportunity to prove by themselves the high level of training...

Global Spedition strengths its commitment with the United Nations Global Compact
Until now Global Spedition we have been determined and wholeheartedly supportive of the United Nations Global Compact. We became partners the year 2023. This month of January we have taken another step in our commitment to sustainability, which leads us to get...

Global Spedition renews its commitment with the society
As part of Global Spedition CSR program, the following actions were carried out in 2022: Making shipments with Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine. Providing all the participants of the different contests held in Global Spedition with a gift from Oxfam Intermon. Sponsoring...

Meeting… Ulises Ortiz, International Traffic Team Manager
"What I like the most about my job is that no two days are the same. Every day offers a different challenge, where you have to be agile and on your toes to be as decisive and efficient as possible". After almost seven years in the Traffic Department at Global...

Christmas time at Global Spedition
On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, at Global Spedition, we have once again launched our annual Christmas-inspired drawing contest. Above, you can see a collage with all the participant drawings, how difficult they have made it for our jury to choose a winner!...

Global Spedition joins the Adapted Handball Days
On December the 16th, 17th and 18th the "Adapted Handball Days" will take place at the Rio Ebro Municipal Sports Pavilion in Zaragoza, with an exhibition of the "Spanish Adapted Handball Team", among other activities. These kind of conferences are organized by...

Global Spedition is awarded with the RSA+
Global Spedition Focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility The 1st of December, we received the Social Responsibility Recognition of Aragón Plus (RSA+) from the Program Aragón Empresa. We are proud to renew this achievement for another year and we continue to...

Global Spedition is recognized with the QIA Award
On Tuesday, November the 22nd, Global Spedition was recognized with the QIA (Quality Innovation Award) in the Innovation in Large Company Category, given by CEX (Centers of Excellence). In our case, the award has been received based on our "Training Truck", an...

Meeting… Mbaye Hane, international route driver
"The quality and availability of the teams and their speed in resolving incidents is something that makes Global Spedition stand out from the rest," Mbaye Hane, international route driver Mbaye is one of the most experienced drivers at the wheel of the...

Global Spedition joins solidarity action from Aspanoa
Sunday, November the 13th, the Annual Match organized by Aspanoa in its fight against cancer will be celebrated. This match will take place between the Association of Veterans of Real Zaragoza and the Selection of Veterans of the Association of Spanish Soccer Players....

New Rotating Guillemin
Global Spedition Focuses on Innovation Recently, we have incorporated a new rotating guillemin to our equipment. Thanks to this guillemin, we can perfectly adapts the hoses to both, silo and tank, avoiding kinks and making our unloadings safer and more efficient....

Meeting… Vanessa Rivelles, Fleet Coordinator of the Tarragona base
"Global Spedition is a pioneer company in various areas. It is always committed to being in the forefront in both technology and methodology, as well as in awareness of caring for the social context and the environment", Vanessa Rivelles, Fleet Coordinator of the...

The Companies Solidarity Day 2022
As we have been doing since 2017, last Saturday, October 22nd, we hace participated at The Companies Solidarity Day, which was organized by the Foundation Los Pueyos. We spent a magnificient journey, in which we were able to enjoy the company of the members of...

World Energy Saving Day
On Friday, October the 21st, it takes place the World Energy Saving Day For this reason, from Global Spedition we want to take the opportunity to encourage other companies and the society in general to carry out all possible actions that seek energy savings. In...

Happy World Road Day
On October 11th we commemorate the World Road Day Therefore, from Global Spedition we would like to take this opportunity and congratulate all those who use the road to carry out their activity, as well ad those in charge of keeping the roads in the best...

Happy World Smile Day
Today, October 7th, is the World Smile Day From Global Spedition we want to encourage you to celebrate it by smiling and treating each other kindly. Let's not forget to smile everyday, specially today. Happy World Smile Day!

Global Spedition is part of the FourKites Premier Carrier List
It is an honor for Global Spedition to form part of the FourKites Premier Carrier List This award is a recognition of our commitment to innovation and digitalization, that allow us to provide our clients with the required information in real time. Only with...

Celebrating the 7th anniversary of the SDG
From Global Spedition we celebrate the 7th anniversary of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) On the ocassion of the 7th anniversary of the approval of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we would like to share with you those main...

Meeting… Marius Pirvu, international route driver
“What I like most about my work is discovering the world. My profession gives me the opportunity to get to know many different places and to continue my training every day. I never stop learning” Marius Pirvu, international route driver Marius, a highly...

August 31st, International Solidarity Day
On August 31st, International Solidarity Day is celebrated. At Global Spedition, we are fully aware of the importance od carrying out a labour that benefits our environment. That is why we carry out different actions and get involved in various projects whose...

Our Sustainability Report for 2021 is already published
One more year, Global Spedition remains in its commitment to the activity, the society and the entire Environment. The good actions carried out in terms of sustainability have made us grow as a company and as members of the society in which we develop ourselves....

Meeting… Emilio Álvarez, Workshop Manager of the Zaragoza base
"Global Spedition's commitment to technology and innovation has facilitated the tasks of the workshop team in making repairs. This contributes enormously to achieving the principal objective of the company: excellence in customer service" Emilio Álvarez, Workshop...

Meeting… Simion Cvasciuc, loader driver
“The way of working and company policy are aspects that differentiate us from the rest. We are a serious company that meets its goals and cares about its workers, something that does not occur in other places” Simion Cvasciuc, loader driver Simion has been...

Global Spedition, new „Visibility Champion Carrier“ of Shippeo
From Global Spedition we are very proud to announce that we have been selected as one of Shippeo's “Visibility Champion Carriers”. Global Spedition's selection for this achievement is mainly based on the company's efforts to provide the best possible service to...

Global Spedition, awarded with the Gold Medal by DOW as a sustainable company
Last June 23th, Global Spedition has been awarded with gold medal by Dow as a sustainable company. This award is important for Global Spedition because Dow chooses the partnership with companies who navigate their business within 4STAR philosophy: Service Safety...

Meeting… Ángel Luis del Sol, Workshop Manager at the Madrid Base
"The big difference between Global Spedition and other companies is in the human factor and in the quality of the equipment we work with" Ángel Luis del Sol, Workshop Manager at the Madrid Base Ángel is one of the longest-serving people in the company, he has...

AD School Zaragoza Global Spedition table tennis club ends a great season
Global Spedition, as a partner of the table tennis club AD School Zaragoza, would like to congratulate the club for its great career. This season, the AD School Zaragoza Global Spedition club has obtained six national podiums, also rising as absolute champions...

Global Spedition renews its fleet with the new generation of DAF
Global Spedition once again places its trust in DAF Trucks NV by renewing its fleet with its New Generation of vehicles This first XF 480 unit is equipped with the latest safety innovations such as the DAF Trucks NV Digital Vision System mirrors, with...

Global Spedition Focuses on Continuous Improvement
With the goal of constant enhancement, Global Spedition has renewed the next certifications: ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 39001 ISO 45001 SQAS Working Together on the Road to Excellence

Meeting… Ovidio Rus, Professional Driver and Driver Instructor
"My work helps in that, as the company is in full expansion, it needs new drivers. These drivers have to be prepared to always comply with the highest standards of quality and safety" Ovidio Rus, professional driver and driver instructor Ovidio's experience and...

Meeting… Raquel Marco, Traffic Department Manager
"The work that we perform in Global Spedition's Traffic Department consists of perfectly coordinating resources to obtain the best possible result: efficiency." Raquel Marco, Traffic Department Manager of Global Spedition. "I began my journey in Global...

Neue website
Global Spedition, ein Tanktransportunternehmen für feste und flüssige Schüttgüter mit mehr als 50 Jahren Erfahrung in der Branche, hat gerade seine Website mit einem neuen, intuitiveren Design und einer größeren Benutzerfreundlichkeit erneuert. Das Highlight der neuen...