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global spedition

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Mai 2, 2023
April 28th we celebrate the World Day for Safety and Health at Work


At Global Spedition we believe that the best way to preserve these such important values as health and safety is by implementing an adequate prevention. For this reason, we work every day to protect our employees from the dangers that may arise at work and warn them about the risks that their activity entail. By working together and being aware of this aspect, employees and companies, we will manage to reduce the accident rate at work and, especially in our sector, the accident rate on the road.


One good example of the work we do in this way are the Near Misses protocols that we implement, to quickly and easily notify any situation susceptible to risks and act accordingly. Another clear example of the work we carry out are the posters that we place at the entrance of our bases – key in this awareness-raising process.